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Think globally,

Act locally.

- From Seika Town to the World

We conduct multicultural activities and support foreign residents and visitors who live in Seika Town and surrounding areas in southern Kyoto Prefecture and and northern Nara Prefecture.

Our Activities

The following activities happen all year round.  Please join us as a member or as staff!  You can tentatively join as an observer as well.


● Japanese Learning Support: Morning and Evening Class

We support foreign residents that want to learn Japanese. Our classes consist of one-on-one lessons with a volunteer teacher who matches the content level with the Japanese skills and needs of the learner.  In addition, we hold Japanese cultural activities such as cooking, dancing, games, disaster drills, etc.


● Personal Computer Section *on hiatus

This section focuses on learning how to use computers.


● Global Net Farm *on hiatus

Seika Global Network runs a farm here in Seika that grows vegetables without agricultural chemicals. It is a great place to enjoy nature and practice international exchange through farming.

● Seika English Salon

In addition to teaching Japanese, we also learn how to introduce Japanese culture and give tours of famous tourism spots in English.

● Keihanna International Understanding Research Group

We conduct research and lectures on international understanding, and holds international exchange activities with the goal of creating a multicultural society. 

● Multicultural Playgroup "Ichigo Ichie" 

We organize a Multicultural Playgroup for foreign and Japanese families who are raising children in Seika Town and nearby areas.

We also host the following events:

  • English conversation classes

  • Homestay and home visits

  • Events for international understanding and international exchange

  • Events associated with local schools

  • Exhibits at Seika Festival

  • Organizing a group of volunteers dedicated to multicultural cooperation and international exchange

  • Disaster support for foreign citizens


We will announce the dates for upcoming events through SGN's homepage and other social media sites.
If you wish to join us or have questions, please contact us.


SGN News

Our newsletter "SGN News" is published regularly in Japanese. Click here for the latest and back issues.

New Members Wanted!

Join us and support our activities connecting local people with the world as a new Seika Global Net member!

(Annual fee: ¥2000)

Please contact us for details.

 Follow Us

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